Baby Spanish, Bilingual kids, bilingual mom, Bilingualism, learn Spanish, Spanish immersion, Spanish media, Spanish music, Spanish podcast, Spanish teacher

We launch new CD for traditional Spanish songs, games and poetry…Nuevo CD para celebrar la Cultura Hispana


Florida, U.S.A (January 9, 2017) This week Prof. Constancia just launched a CD, Me Encanta el Español Vol 1, for schools or families looking to have more exposure to Spanish language and culture. “This cd is Waldorf inspired and contains traditional songs, games and poetry, something for everyone,” says Prof. Constancia. “One must fall in love with a language in order to acquire it. One must be exposed to its beauty, the culture and the soul of the language.We wanted to include those concepts that celebrate our culture.”The CD samples are available by clicking at and will be available in in the next few days.

Prof. Constancia was a Spanish Teacher for 5 years in Palm Beach County, Florida, prior to becoming a mother. She spent the early years of motherhood teaching Spanish to children from her home with musical Spanish classes. She writes a weekly blog titled,, in which she shares cultural articles to help inspire her students and create a Spanish language learning community. She was born in New York City to Colombian parents and was raised in Puerto Rico. She holds bachelor’s degrees in English Creative Writing and Business Administration. Besides writing, she has an interest in helping children with special needs, teaching Spanish and putting instruments in children’s hands. She has an interest in piano, guitar, ukulele, flute and travel.


La Florida, EEUU (9 de enero, 2017) Esta semana la Prof. Constancia presenta su primer CD, Me Encanta el Español Vol 1, para las escuelas, bibliotecas y familias que busquen exponerse más al idioma español y cultura. “Este CD está inspirado por los conceptos educativos de Waldorf y Montessori. Hay que enamorarse de un idioma para aprenderlo, hay que exponerse a su belleza, cultura y alma,” dice la Prof. Constancia. “Quisimos incluir esos conceptos importantes para celebrar nuestra cultura.” Los ejemplares de CD están disponibles en y estará disponible en en los próximos días.

La Prof. Constancia trabajó como maestra de español durante 5 años en el Condado de Palm Beach County, estado de la Florida. En sus primeros años como madre, dedicó su tiempo libre a enseñar español a niños, de forma divertida y musical.La profesora escribe un blog bilingüe que se titula donde ella comparte artículos, motivada por su interés en crear una comunidad de personas interesadas en aprender sobre la lengua y la cultura en español.

Nacida en la ciudad de Nueva  York  pero criada en  Puerto Rico. Ella se graduó en  Florida   International   University  con dos Baccalaureats uno en Inglés, en Escritura Creativa y otro en Empresariales. Además de la escritura, la Prof. Constancia tiene varios puntos de interés: ayudar a niños con necesidades especiales, enseñar español y promover el uso de instrumentos en los niños. Otros de sus intereses son tocar el piano, la guitarra, el ukulele, la flauta y viajar.



Bilingual kids, bilingual mom, Bilingualism, la luna, los abuelos, Mamás latinas, spanish comedy, Spanish media, Spanish teacher, the moon

From here to La Luna and back…! Vamos a ver la luna… (English version)

¿Vas a ir a ver la luna esta noche? ¡¡Claro que sí!! Are you going out to see the moon tonight? Of course you are! That was the talk earlier this week…This same sized moon was not to be around for another eighteen years… I would have wanted to see and capture this image… believe me…I had los emparedados todos listos to go along with some muffins and salad… ready for el picnic en la playa… However, with overcast skies that was not meant to be for us. So I ripped this image off of a friend’s site…keeping this blog on hand to explain to my offspring to be on the lookout on 2034 for the next one!

Why so much fuss over the moon. Well, la luna of course produces a gravitational pull on the earth that causes the water to rise and fall in what we call tides or las mareas not to be confused with the verb se marea which means you get dizzy. The moon’s gravitational pull also causes the rotation of the earth to slow down and have longer days. Without this, well, we would have shorter days that would make the earth’s temperature a lot lower, as the sun would not have the opportunity to warm up the earth in just the right temperature. This would in turn reduce la madre tierra’s ability to produce our much needed food to survive. Ahá maybe that is where we get the famous luna luna dame pan que tus hijos no me dan refrán!! If you are not familiar with here to hear that TeachThemSpanish’s podcast. I finally cracked that nursery rhyme code!

And… la luna affects our mood doesn’t it? Might even make the kids a little more than a handful for a day or two. ( I remember a day, as a high school teacher, when there was a full moon, it was a Friday and the 13th… oh and they happen to have scheduled a pep rally to boot…as teachers we knew we didn’t stand a chance for having a normal day… if you are a student…  go easy on your teacher on those full moon days!)

I’ve heard some people say they get grumpy or loco/loca or can’t sleep on nights when the moon is full. Very likely, with such an influence on the earth… how can it not affect our bodies and emotions if we are composed of 97% water.

Well there is a wonderful book that I invite you to look at with your child as it is written in Spanish called La Luna y Los Niños.


This book covers cultural, ancestral and scientific information that will help us talk with our kids about their growing bodies, sexuality and love in a context that honors our values. Tween and teenage girls, especially, should be aware of the effect the moon has on their bodies. A sincere and open approach should always accompany this kind of talk. La Luna y los Niños will help you talk about how the moon affects our bodies, our emotions and our spirit. You may find it here  Or e-mail the author directly at

Now, if you missed la Super Luna… oh well… guess what it’s just a little more than 13% much bigger than your usual full moon or luna llena. And, guess what that full moon that comes around, comes around every single month. So turn off the TV or electronic screen… and take a look at that monthly moon rise with your child. If you need some inspiration, bring along this music, which is all inspired by that preciosa luna. Enjoy… ¡¡Disfrútala!!

Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata


REM  – Man on the moon

Ana Gabriel – Luna


Audrey Hepburn – Moonriver

Los Panchos – Luna lunera


Gypsy Kings – Toro enamorado de la luna


Elvis Presley – Blue Moon of Kentucky


Van Morrison – Moondance


Bacilos – Caraluna


Claude Debussy – Claire de Lune

Carlos Vives – Luna Nueva

Subscribe now and receive notifications regarding new upcoming articles, songs and resources to assist you in your efforts to teach your kids Spanish.The opinions in this page are simply coming from the perspective of Prof. Constancia. I am sharing with other mothers and fathers with the intention of helping our children in their development, creating a community that will help all of them progress in their Spanish studies and cultural expression.Share your opinions with us on this page or on Facebook. If you would like to ask questions or work with me regarding affiliate marketing, giveaways or other projects, please email me at Thanks.

Ancestors, Ancestry, Bilingual kids, Bilingualism, Homeschool Spanish, latin moms, los abuelos, Mamás latinas, poemas infantiles, Spanish immersion, Spanish media, Spanish teacher, Teach your baby Spanish, Waldorf Spanish

Recuerda tus Raíces…Remembering our Ancestors…


Familia quinones

Luis y Elvia el día de su boda.

Español English

Si a Bruno Hernandez, mi tatarabuelo cubano, no se le hubiera pegado la sábana, yo no estaría aquí. Eso me decía mi padre. Mi tatarabuelo, de Oriente, que era marinero, estuvo celebrando mucho un fin de semana en Barranquilla, y no pudo tomar el barco que lo devolvería a Cuba. Terminó casándose con una inmigrante holandesa. Tuvieron un hijo que se casó con Elvira, una mujer de descendencia judía.

Y por otra parte, si mi bisabuela de parte de madre, Eva, se hubiese ido a los Estados Unidos en la década de los 1940, con mi bisabuelo Rodrigo, quizás tampoco estaría contando este cuento. Mi bisabuela Eva, “Ma Eva”, le temía a los prejuicios de la sociedad de los Estados Unidos. Mi bisabuelo era un español pelirojo;  ella era una trigueña de Condoto, Chocó, de descendencia africana. Si su hija, mi abuela Elvia, hubiera crecido en los Estados Unidos, ella no hubiera conocido a mi abuelo Luis de descendencia india y cuyo padre había secuestrado a una Guajira que sería la madre de mi abuelo.

Y así, los cuentos abundan en mi familia. Me hacen pensar en los cuentos de las novelas de García Márquez. Que decía mi padre, ya se conocían de todos modos antes de haber sido publicados. “Lo que pasa es que él se me adelantó,” lo oí decir varias veces. Cada paso que dieron las personas de mi pasado tiene algo que ver con mi presencia en esta tierra.

Y también me doy cuenta de que esa herencia étnica incluye el indio, el africano y el europeo, incluye el católico y también el judío y el árabe. Aunque lo sepamos o no, a nuestros ancestros, los llevamos todos con nosotros, están en nuestro ADN. Ellos querrán ver el éxito de los hijos de sus hijos si es posible. Y como dice Chayanne en la canción Madre Tierra, con la bendición de tus ancestros tu llegarás.

También nos vamos dando cuenta de que la respuesta a ¿De dónde eres? puede ser mucho mas complicada de lo que nos imaginamos. Habla de tus ancestros, investígalas, cuenta esas historias… las necesitamos. Si es posible, consulta con un genealogista o Puede ser una bella historia. Nos ayudará a vernos de manera mas completa. Aveces esta conversación empieza con el fallecimiento de un ser querido, de ser así, es aún más importante tener una conversación franca y expresiva sobre el tema. Aquí hay un buen artículo que le puede ayudar en esta conversación.

Me gusta la manera en que la autora de este poema, Doña Gabriela Mistral, ayuda también a describir y a celebrar a esa madre de todos, la madre tierra que todo lo toma, todo lo carga, el lomo santo de la tierra … ella siempre está presente. 


La Tierra

Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)

 Niño indio, si estás cansado

tú te acuestas sobre la Tierra,

y lo mismo si estás alegre,

hijo mío, juega con ella…

Se oyen cosas maravillosas

al tambor indio de la Tierra:

se oye el fuego que sube y baja

buscando el cielo, no sosiega.

Rueda y rueda, se oyen los ríos

en cascadas que no se cuentan.

Se oyen mugir los animales:

se oye el hacha comer la selva.

Se oyen sonar telares indios.

Se oyen trillas, se oyen fiestas

Donde el indio lo está llamando,

el tambor indio le contesta,

y tañe cerca y tañe lejos,

como el que huye y que regresa…

Todo lo toma, todo lo carga

el lomo santo de la Tierra:

lo que camina, lo que duerme,

lo que retoza y lo que pena;

y lleva vivos y lleva muertos

el tambor indio de la Tierra

Cuando muera, no llores hijo:

pecho a pecho ponte con ella,

y si sujetas los alientos

como que todo o nada fueras,

tú escucharás subir su brazo

que me tenía y que me entrega,

y la madre que estaba rota

tú la verás a volver entera.

Subscríbase ahora y podrá recibir los avisos de nuevos artículos, canciones y recursos para enseñarles a sus hijos español. Las opiniones en esta página son simplemente una perspectiva de la Sra. Constancia. Compartiendo con otras madres y padres un deseo de ayudar en el desarollo de nuestros hijos y crear una comunidad que los ayude a progresar en sus estudios y expresiones culturales en español.


If  Bruno Hernandez, my Cuban great great grandfather, had not slept in…I would not be here. That is what my dad Heriberto use to say, may he rest in peace. And, if my great grandmother had immigrated to the U.S. in the 1940’s with my great grandfather Rodrigo, I may still not have been able to tell this story. My great great grandfather was a sailor, he had been doing a little too much celebrating on a weekend in Barranquilla, and he was not able to embark on the boat that would have returned him to Cuba. He ended up marrying an immigrant from Holland. They had a son who married Elvira, a woman of Jewish ancestry.

My great grandmother, on my mother’s side, Eva, feared the prejudices in the U.S. society back then. My great grandfather who was Spaniard was redheaded, while she was dark skinned of Codoto, Chocó, of african descent. If their daughter, my grandmother Elvia, would have grown up in the United States, this would have meant not meeting my Grandfather, Luis, of Indian descent, and whose father had kidnapped a Guajira, who would turn out to be the mother of my grandfather.

And these are the kind of stories that you hear in the family. They make me think of the stories of Garcia Márquez. My dad used to say these stories were really already widely known before being published. What happened is “he got ahead of me,” I heard him say. And I realize that each step that my ancestors took has had something to do with my presence on this earth.

I also know that this ethnic inheritance includes the Indian, the African, the European, the Catholic, Jewish, and the Arab. Whether we know it or not, they are our ancestors and we carry them through our DNA. They will want to see the success of their children and their children’s children, possibly. The artist Chayanne confirms this by saying: With the blessings of your ancestors you will get further.. in the song “Madre Tierra.”

We also begin to realize the answer to the question: Where are you from? Well, it can be a little more complicated than what we imagined. I invite you to talk about your ancestors, do research and tell those stories…what were they like?  And, if possible, consult a genealogist or It can be a beautiful story. We may see ourselves in a more holistic way. Sometimes this conversation will come up just after a relative passes away. If this is the case then the subject of the death in the family would be best dealt with sincerity and allowance for all emotional expression.  Here is an article on suggestions on how to speak about death with young children.

I like the way that Doña Gabriela Mistral, helps us honor also that other Mother of all…Mother Nature, todo lo toma, todo lo carga, el lomo santo de la tierra. She is there for us always.

La Tierra

Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)

Niño indio, si estás cansado

tú te acuestas sobre la Tierra,

y lo mismo si estás alegre,

hijo mío, juega con ella…

Se oyen cosas maravillosas

al tambor indio de la Tierra:

se oye el fuego que sube y baja

buscando el cielo, no sosiega.

Rueda y rueda, se oyen los ríos

en cascadas que no se cuentan.

Se oyen mugir los animales:

se oye el hacha comer la selva.

Se oyen sonar telares indios.

Se oyen trillas, se oyen fiestas

Donde el indio lo está llamando,

el tambor indio le contesta,

y tañe cerca y tañe lejos,

como el que huye y que regresa…

Todo lo toma, todo lo carga

el lomo santo de la Tierra:

lo que camina, lo que duerme,

lo que retoza y lo que pena;

y lleva vivos y lleva muertos

el tambor indio de la Tierra

Cuando muera, no llores hijo:

pecho a pecho ponte con ella,

y si sujetas los alientos

como que todo o nada fueras,

tú escucharás subir su brazo

que me tenía y que me entrega,

y la madre que estaba rota

tú la verás a volver entera.


Subscribe now and receive notifications regarding new upcoming articles, songs and resources to assist you in your efforts to teach your kids Spanish.The opinions in this page are simply coming from the perspective of Prof. Constancia. I am sharing with other mothers and fathers with the intention of helping our children in their development, creating a community that will help all of them progress in their Spanish studies and cultural expression.

bilingual mom, latin moms, los abuelos, Mamás latinas, spanish comedian, spanish comedy, Spanish immersion, Spanish media, Spanish teacher

Laughing with Spanish comedies is the best medicine…

clown boy

A quick test to finding out if you have acquired a language or not is this…

Do you dream in that language?

Do you get jokes in that language?

If the answer is yes to both you can rest assured… you have!

This week we will give you an opportunity to practice those comedy listening skills. They are from all over the place, different countries so that you adapt to the different accents and humor, different sources as well… from mainstream media to the very creative efforts of bloggers and YouTube filmmakers that are benefiting us all with fun and exciting choices. Here is a sample of different Spanish comedies for each of the age groups, from young ones, to teens and adults.



10. Pero Like – You will get funny videos and tweets from Pero Like regarding Spanish humor and growing up Hispanic. They have different nationalities represented. The Cuban abuela character is hilarious.


9. Topo Gigio – This is for young children but I still think he is cute! Many generations grew up with this Spanish “Mickey Mouse” that originates from Italy. First appearing in 1959. He likes to say that he is “un ratoncito pacífico” and he prays to San Peppino at night.


8. Extra – Teacher Discovery produced a short telenovela for beginning Spanish students that is like watching an episode of Friends. It is about a young man named Sam who visits Barcelona to learn how to speak Spanish. As you follow along the plot you will immerse yourself in Spanish language and culture.


7. El Chavo del 8 – It may sound odd but this is a comedia about the trials and tribulations of an orphan child, the creation of Roberto Gomez Bolaños “Chespirito,” from the 70’s. Famous phrases such as “Pero no te enojes…” ,”fue sin querer queriendo..” , “eso..eso…eso…!”


6. Dairon – I don’t know how he does it but he does… Dairon Vasquez portrays different members of a Cuban family and is very talented actually in impersonating other accents, Russian, Chinese, etc. Great comedian that will keep you entertained with his YouTube videos.


5. Tres Patines  – Leopoldo Fernandez is a classic Cuban comedian known as José Candelario Tres Patines or Pototo. He is almost always in trouble at “La Tremenda Corte.”  I remember repeating as a child like a parrot…”¡Que cosa mas grande en la vida chico!”


4. Alvarez Guedez – A Cuban-born star, he talked about the Cuban exile experience of South Florida and was famous for his chistes calientes and “ño!” He had a hilarious radio program “Aquí está Alvarez Guedes” on 92.3 FM for 15 years in Miami.



3. Enchufe TV – This is a very successful YouTube comedy web series that was started in 2011 by Ecuadorian filmmakers in Quito. They use a lot of ironic humor regarding every day modern experiences but most sketches do contain profanity, are adult themed and not meant for too young of an audience.


2. Cantinflas – Mario Moreno was a Mexican comic film actor. He has been referred to as the “Charlie Chaplin of Mexico.” His words have been examined and talked about by philosophers, linguists and media critics. At one point his popularity was seen as a threat to the politicians in Mexico.


1. ¿Qué Pasa USA? – America’s first and only Spanish-English situation comedy… and it ran from 1977 – 1980. Produced by PBS, depicted the Cuban culture in Miami at that time period pretty accurately. It’s really worth watching all over again.

Subscribe now and receive notifications regarding new upcoming articles, songs and resources to assist you in your efforts to teach your kids Spanish.The opinions in this page are simply coming from the perspective of Prof. Constancia. I am sharing with other mothers and fathers with the intention of helping our children in their development, creating a community that will help all of them progress in their Spanish studies and cultural expression.

bilingual mom, Bilingualism, latin moms, los abuelos, Mamás latinas, Spanish immersion, Spanish media, Spanish teacher

La Música de mi Padre…la Música de la Vieja Guardia…

papa y yo

Mi padre y yo en el dia del bautizo.

Español English

El primer recuerdo que tengo de mi padre es de verlo con harina de trigo regada por toda la cara, brazos y manos mientras amasaba la masa para hacer el pan en la mesa de la cocina. El segundo recuerdo es enseñándome por primera vez a jugar el ajedrez…”y el caballito se mueve así… presta atención…me estás escuchando?” El tercer recuerdo es mostrándome su más querida posesión…la máquina de escribir…y dejándome tocar las teclas misteriosas que hacían el milagro de reproducir las letricas. Y así continúan los más queridos recuerdos de pequeños detalles, momentos a través del transcurso de una vida… uno detrás del otro… momentos de belleza.

Dicen que en el cielo uno puede ser de la edad que uno quiera… si es así…sé que mi padre Heriberto “Toño” Hernandez, que en paz descanse, en sí nunca se hizo “viejo.” Él siempre será recordado por su familia como joven entusiasta, soñador, poeta y bohemio. Un buen hombre que escribía poesía y echaba unos buenos cuentos con su hablar pausado.

Mi padre era de Barranquilla, Colombia, de raíces cubanas. De joven él trabajó administrando teatros hispanos de Broadway en Nueva York donde se dieron a conocer muchos artistas como Raphael, Sandro entre otros cuando estrenaban sus películas hace ya muchos años. Y de la salsa y el merengue.. ni se diga.. mi papá se lo gozó todo viviendo en Nueva York, Miami y Colombia.

Vivió plenamente.

Si eres un latino con la bendición de estar rodeado de tus queridos padres o abuelos…. dáles un abrazo, baila con ellos y háblales de ésta o la música que les gustaba…es probable que en un futuro te sientas feliz al recordarlo. Esta semana recuerdo y celebro la vida de mi padre con alguna de su música querida,  de toda latinoamérica.  Algunas forman parte de la música perdurable de la vieja guardia…que Dios bendiga.

Subscríbase ahora y podrá recibir los avisos de nuevos artículos, canciones y recursos para enseñarles a sus hijos español. Las opiniones en esta página son simplemente una perspectiva de la Sra. Constancia. Compartiendo con otras madres y padres un deseo de ayudar en el desarollo de nuestros hijos y crear una comunidad que los ayude a progresar en sus estudios y expresiones culturales en español.


Son Montuno…


El Trio Vegabajeño…



Carlos Gardel…


Los Panchos…


Ruben Blades…


Niña Pastori…


Alejo Durán…Rey del Vallenato


“Esta es música vernácula colombiana de la región indígena del norte. Hay miles de grupos musicales a los que ellos llaman ” millo” y alegran los guateques de los guajiros de la región,” decía mi padre.




Pedro Infante…


Camarón y Paco de Lucía…


Joe Arroyo…



Celia Cruz…


Trío América…


Roberto Carlos…



The first memory that  I have of my father is of seeing him covered with flour, his face, hands and arms while he worked the dough to make home made bread on the kitchen table.  The second one is of him teaching me to play chess: “and the horsey moves like this… pay attention… are you listening?” And the third memory is of him sharing with me his most prized possession, the typewriter…letting me push the mysterious keys that reproduced the letters as if by magic. And, the memories continue in this way of small details, throughout a lifetime… one after the other… moments of beauty.

In heaven they say you get to choose whatever age you wish to be…I know that my dad, Heriberto “Toño” Hernandez, may he rest in peace, never really got “old.” He will always be remembered by his family as a young enthusiast, a dreamer and a bohemian. He was a good man who loved to write poetry and told a good story in a gentle pace.

My father was from Barranquilla, Colombia, of Cuban roots. As a young man he managed some of the Hispanic theaters in Broadway New York, where many artists screened their movies, now many years ago. And regarding salsa and merengue…forget about it…my dad danced and lived it up while in New York, Miami and Colombia.

He lived a full life.

If you are Hispanic and you are blessed with loving parents and/or grandparents…give them a hug, dance with them and talk about this or any music they used to like…you will feel happy in the future remembering these kind of moments. But this week I remember and I begin to celebrate some of my father’s special music, which is also music of the old guard…may God bless.

Subscribe now and receive notifications regarding new upcoming articles, songs and resources to assist you in your efforts to teach your kids Spanish.The opinions in this page are simply coming from the perspective of Prof. Constancia. I am sharing with other mothers and fathers with the intention of helping our children in their development, creating a community that will help all of them progress in their Spanish studies and cultural expression.

bilingual mom, Bilingualism, Spanish immersion, Spanish media, Spanish teacher

Se acuerdan del profesor hippie?/ Remember the Hippie Professor

“El Profesor Hippie”.. with Argentinian comedian actor Luis Andrini. On this Teacher Appreciation week, this show comes to mind. Watching Spanish Who remembers this favorite professor from the past…He was probably like the Welcome Back Kotter counterpart…if you look over the small differences like language and dress code.  These were reruns for years..Enjoy! Share with us your favorite teacher memory… or your favorite program…

Quién se acuerda del “Profesor Hippie?” En esta semana de celebraciones del maestro un recuerdo del pasado…El es parecido al profesor de “Welcome Back Kotter” de Nueva York…con pequeñas diferencias como el idioma y el vestuario. Como nos encantaba ver estos episodios una y otra vez…¡Disfrüten! Compartan con nosotros su profesor favorito… o sus programas favoritos…


Subscríbase ahora y podrá recibir los avisos de nuevos artículos, canciones y recursos para enseñarles a sus hijos español. Las opiniones en esta página son simplemente una perspectiva de la Sra. Constancia. Compartiendo con otras madres y padres un deseo de ayudar en el desarollo de nuestros hijos y crear una comunidad que los ayude a progresar en sus estudios y expresiones culturales en español. 

Subscribe now and receive notifications regarding new upcoming articles, songs and resources to assist you in your efforts to teach your kids Spanish.The opinions in this page are simply coming from the perspective of Prof. Constancia. I am sharing with other mothers and fathers with the intention of helping our children in their development, creating a community that will help all of them progress in their Spanish studies and cultural expression. .
